Hi everyone! It has been about seven years since I have posted on my website (now redesigned)! It’s hard to believe, but those seven years have been very busy, yet vital years of growth for me!
I did my mission trip to Honduras, which was my first year as a qualified teacher. When I returned to the United States, I found a job as a teacher/principal of a church school in southern Minnesota. The last six years were spent working at that school. As you can imagine, teaching is a full-time-and-a-half job, so I did not really have any time for maintaining my website. I was, however, able to publish another children’s book, The Story of the Stone, in conjunction with one of my students (all of the proceeds go to support the school). However, I never forgot about this website, or about the plans and dreams that I’ve always had for it!
And now the time has come to launch some of those! I am moving away from teaching full time and will begin working on building my brand as an Author/Educator, which will include my one-on-one Learning Success Coaching business (Heart, Soul, & Mind Learning), publishing more books and artwork, and beginning to make available some of my own curriculum.
Please stay tuned for more updates, changes and improvements to the website, and exciting content to come!

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